Monday, January 24, 2011

Padre North 2011 Film for Port Aransas , Texas and North Padre Island, Texas?

I did not do well last year with ,"The wave it is" a film project by Christopher Hyer , or aka padrenorth2009, it was five takes on film that had very bad footage from not taking care of the film and disc I had used. I was throughly dis organized when I shot on the Island of North Padre Island, Texas and Port Aransas , Texas from 2005 till 2009. I had used every format available to shoot from film motion  to still camera's to pawn shop bought camera's to make my pictures stand out, and they did, My you had many hits back in the day under padrenorth2009 and still does OK,. I post only my recordings as a musician and throw together video to make the so called music video, yes half -asses again, yet I am on the charts in music.
Back to the film , I thought I could do it all, and still do think anything is possible if you  try hard enough and work at it. I recently became a Catastrophe adjuster licence  in the state of Texas and found no work available because of the lack of hurricanes , which is good and bad for the occupation. So what are you Christopher Hyer, a photographer a filmography, a musician, a adjuster, well Yes I am all these things, with no specialty in any of them. lol
  I love people and I like to watch how they react or act to a certain motion of film and or pictures I take, My Photographs are all over the internet, and yet no penny was ever asked for , I just gave away my life as per one of my videos suggest. Go to you and find padrenorth2009 and you will see how many small time videos I had been doing and still do. I can make a new film happen, its a matter of the Camera's , so I will talk more about that, and if you have surfing experience in photography .I would appreciate a recommended camera to use, as I will have to rent one out for the quality I am seeking. I do take donations, may-bee I can find an affiliate that will donate to the cause. What another surf film, my idea is still the same , as it's a secret. A mystifier as to what I am going to write about. Updated 1.24.2011

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